Friday, June 26, 2015


"I really have to go," she said to me as her alarm went off.
I quickly handed her the little Hapiness for Life book. It was a short one that helps build a relationship with God. 
"It just helps you deal with the stress and many problems of life. Whatever you feel like giving helps me go to school."
She pulls a dollar out of her wallet.
"Don't get discouraged," she told me, "I'll be praying for you."
She reached into her wallet once again and popped a few gift cards to Cold Stone into my hand. Sixty dollars worth of gift cards.
The nice woman left, and I continued to knock on the next houses. I should've listened to her. 

But I got discouraged. I shrank at the door. I lost confidence, not only in myself, but also in my God. I just couldn't really hold a conversation with most people. I almost cried on my friends shoulder.
Many times things like this happens to us. I don't know why, but even when we are told to stay positive, told that people are praying for us, we forget about their encouraging words. It becomes too easy for us to lose heart. Who knows what testimonies I could have shared that day if only I had continued to trust Him? After all His word says "Fear not, for I am with you" (Isaiah 41:10). So let me, like the woman who gave me Cold Stone gift cards, give you another reminder to continue to trust in Him.

Also, if you want to see much more exciting stories from going door to door, visit this page down here. There are some awesome experiences there, and I helped write many of them!